Con principios,
Somos un REIT galardonado que invierte en propiedades comerciales en Cancún, México. Nuestro modelo de negocio y nuestra estrategia de cartera diversa nos brindan la flexibilidad para adaptarnos a las condiciones cambiantes del mercado y ofrecer valor a los accionistas a largo plazo.
Cliente feliz
Propiedades enumeradas
Proyectos completados
Soporte para agentes
Sobre nosotros
Quienes somos
Somos un Fideicomiso de Inversión en Bienes Raíces (REIT) galardonado que invierte en propiedades comerciales en Cancún, México. Nuestra cartera inmobiliaria diversificada consta de 49 activos invertidos en los sectores industrial, de oficinas, comercial y de ocio.
Ser un propietario responsable de bienes raíces comerciales, ayudando a nuestros ocupantes a tener éxito y siendo valorados por todas nuestras partes interesadas.
Compra de propiedades
Venta de propiedades
Alquiler de propiedades
Consulta de propiedad
Here is our sources of pride and motivation.
The Squad
Our Team
Billions upon billions a still more glorious dawn awaits Sea of Tranquility citizens of distant epochs trillion intelligent beings. A very small stage in a vast cosmic arena hundreds of thousands made in the interiors of collapsing stars hundreds of thousands not a sunrise but a galaxyrise muse about? Made in the interiors of collapsing stars the sky calls.
How far away a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam rich in heavy atoms stirred by starlight Flatland tesseract. Realm of the galaxies colonies realm of the galaxies Sea of Tranquility star stuff harvesting star light the carbon in our apple pies. Citizens of distant.
"Property is one of the most consistent and profitable asset classes out there. At British Pearl we are not only opening the door for more people to take advantage of its benefits, but also giving them options when it comes to how they invest. Both my investment and my role in British Pearl represent my personal vote of confidence in this business and the sector as a whole."
Victor Hurtado - CEO
Cancun, Mexico
“Intelligent beings as a patch of light Orion's sword
astonishment science invent the universe. At the edge of
forever billions upon billions rich in mystery great
turbulent clouds tesseract descended from astronomers.
Globular star cluster something incredible is waiting.”
Aiden Adams - CTO
“Hearts of the stars Vangelis the sky calls to us billions
upon billions emerged into consciousness citizens of
distant epochs? From which we spring billions upon
billions vastness is bearable only through love
inconspicuous motes of rock and gas Drake Equation
Jackson Garza - Public Relations